She did, however, get to build a snowman and enjoy some wintry shenanigans last weekend when we hauled ourselves to Albany for my grandmother's 93rd birthday party (more on that in a minute).
Our trip was pretty uneventful, actually. We took my little sister, The Queen of Musicke, along and she rode in the backseat with WNG, so we didn't have to stop once! WNG was supposed to nap in the car, but she is the only baby this side of the Mississippi who doesn't ever sleep in her carseat. Plus, she had her auntie and godmother to entertain her for 3.5 hours, so why would she even try?
Amazingly enough, TQOM even sat in the back with WNG on the ride home as well! Awesome!
Randomness alert!
One thing I learned while in Albany was how lucky we are in our parish here in Rochester. (Surprising, I know, to anyone who knows the situation in our diocese!) We went to a Mass at one of the cluster parishes, so it wasn't the parish I used to attend when I lived there. It was... an experience. I don't want to badmouth or criticize clergy, but I will say that I've never in my life had this sort of conversation with a priest before:
Father: The Body of Christ.
Me: Amen.
Father: Hey, how are ya? Good to see ya! How've ya been?
Me. ...
Yes, folks, he tried to strike up a conversation whilst I was receiving the Host. I didn't know what to do, so I just moved away and continued back to my pew. Strangeness.
It also made it difficult for me because this Lenten season I am focusing on the positive and trying to be more charitable in my daily interactions with people. It took a lot for me to not seethe and rant about it (and other oddities during the same Mass), although I admit that I did vent a little bit to EP Dude and my mother.
Anyway, my grandmother's party was tons of fun, and it was great to see so much of my family. I was able to catch up with a cousin I hadn't seen since my grandmother's birthday last year! My grandmother just glowed having all her children and most of her grandchildren there. WNG was the only great-grandbaby present, which was a bit of a bummer, but understandable as the others have a lot farther to travel.
And yes, the candles on her cake are backwards to say "39" on purpose.
And to make up for everything, I baked him his favorite Dr. Pepper Texas Chocolate Cake from the Dinosaur BBQ cookbook. Sadly, we forgot to bring the leftovers home with us, but my mom froze it so we can enjoy it the next time someone from Albany makes their way westward.
Mmmmmmmm..... cake.............
Oh hooray you've posted again! I'm gonna read the others...